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/ The Big Mouth 21 / Big_Mouth_The_21_1998_-_Side_B.d64 / christmasroot (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  1KB  |  33 lines

  1. 1 rem   c64 christmas album
  2. 3 rem
  3. 4 rem     music: wayne eastwood
  4. 5 rem  graphics: h. rex boucher
  5. 6 rem    design: stephen murri
  6. 7 rem
  7. 9 data67,79,77,77,79,68,79,82,69
  8. 10 restore:forj=38528to38536:readk:pokej,k:next
  9. 11 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print""
  10. 12 print"[147]the commodore 64"
  11. 13 print"christmas demo  "
  12. 14 print"press any key to start"
  13. 15 geti$:ifi$=""then15
  14. 20 gate=22632:s1=gate+16:s2=gate+6*16+14:i$="":mark=gate+3:poke54296,0
  15. 400 sys50784
  16. 510 sys51976:j=094:k=20:a=00*16^3+12*16^2+15*16+15:gosub800:rem good christian
  17. 520 sys52832:j=088:k=25:a=05*16^3+00*16^2+13*16+03:gosub800:rem jingle bells
  18. 530 sys52288:j=120:k=30:a=04*16^3+08*16^2+12*16+10:gosub800:rem silent night
  19. 540 sys38912:j=035:k=80:a=04*16^3+01*16^2+05*16+07:gosub800:rem rudolph
  20. 550 sys52062:j=129:k=15:a=03*16^3+07*16^2+07*16+15:gosub800:rem angels heard
  21. 560 sys52496:j=062:k=40:a=01*16^3+07*16^2+06*16+03:gosub800:rem frosty
  22. 590 sys38144:j=112:k=15:a=08*16^3+07*16^2+13*16+00:gosub800:rem sales pitch
  23. 599 sys52118:rem end
  24. 700 if peek(40959)=1thenclr:goto11
  25. 750 clr:goto20
  26. 800 poke54276,0:poke54283,0:poke54290,0:poke54296,10:fory=0to500:next
  27. 805 pokegate+13,a-int(a/256)*256:pokegate+14,a/256
  28. 810 gosub850:fory=0toj*2:nexty:return
  29. 850 pokegate,0:pokegate+1,0:pokegate+2,0
  30. 860 sys(s1):fory=1toj:next:ifk>0thensys(s2):fory=1tok:next:sys51973
  31. 870 ifpeek(mark)=0then860
  32. 880 return